Search our Stay & Play Directory to discover unique accommodations, restaurants, attractions, recreation and more.
210 College St., Suite 110 Burlington, VT
The Farmhouse Group takes great pride in the partnerships.
160 Bank St. Burlington, VT
A boutique inn celebrating the spirit of Vermont.
1653 West Woodstock Rd. Woodstock, VT
Resting on the stunning shore of Lake Morey.
82 Clubhouse Rd. Fairlee, VT
Presenting a summer season of blockbuster musicals.
703 Main St. Weston, VT
Handcrafted in the USA for over 30 years.
96 Depot St. Manchester, VT
Taste, tour, enjoy and sip Vermont.
6308 Shelburne Rd. Shelburne, VT
541 South Main St. Stowe, VT
One of the nation's most diverse museums of art, design and Americana.
6000 Shelburne Rd. Shelburne, VT
Relax and renew.
70 Essex Wy. Essex, VT