Custom Tours & More

PO Box 886, Norwich, VT

You can simply visit a place or truly experience it. Custom Tours & More (CT&M) staff makes sure you experience it.

What makes CT&M different? Staff that listens to what you like, takes you to places you expect, and then goes beyond. CT&M offers custom designed itineraries with unique and rare experiences to fit your budget. Experiences include:

Focusing on Food: Make ‘sugar on snow,’ learn to pull taffy, cook or just eat a meal with a PBS crew.

Being Entertained: Visit a supper club, go on a moose safari, or be mesmerized by an illusionist.

Just Trying It: Bring home a skill, a memento, or both. Make a tea sachet and learn about the herbs’ health benefits, or sluice for rare minerals to keep. Your travelers will have fun, experience new adventures and skills, and will want to tour with you again in the future.

Oh, the places you’ll go: Specializing in the hidden gems in New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT); New York State (Finger Lakes, Adirondacks, Hudson River Valley, Lake Placid, NYC, etc.); and Eastern Canada (Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Eastern Townships)